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5 Things I Wish We Had Registered For Before Our Wedding

We lugged 2 Target carts full of household items to the checkout and were shocked when our first shopping trip as a married couple came to $500. After getting back from our honeymoon, we realized our little home had some pretty necessary items missing. We had received a lot of wonderful gifts from friends and family, but there were a few things we should have prioritized when we were running around Target scanning all the barcodes we could find. There were a lot of things we didn’t even know we needed until we had a living room full of used wedding decorations and nothing to charge our phones with.


Here are the 5 items that would have made life so much easier if we had just registered for them:


1.) Storage bins

Bless my parents. In the 9 months leading up to our wedding and the 2 weeks afterward, they graciously allowed me to keep all the wedding decorations in their house. When Greg and I picked it all up after the honeymoon, we realized we didn’t have anywhere to put it. A lot of it we planned to get rid of, but for the weeks to come I found myself tripping over open boxes loose-leaf papers and decorations. If we had registered for storage bins, we could have thrown our wedding decorations in the bins and put them in our closets.

2.) Experiences 

Life went from excitement and stress in wedding planning, to elation on the wedding day, to excitement on the honeymoon, to complete calm when we got home. To be fair, we needed that calm in our lives. But it would have been fun to have certain date nights or experiences to do together right after we were married. Don’t get me wrong, we still went out on dinner dates and had fun together. But since Greg had the whole summer off and I was working minimal hours, we could have done some really cool things together.



3.) Household Supplies

My sweet sister and mother-in-law arranged for our friends and family to each bring a household staple to our rehearsal. When we got home from our honeymoon, we had the food basics and all the cleaning supplies we needed. I think leading up to the wedding it’s easy to not keep enough stock of certain things you really need. We were so grateful that we didn’t need run right after we got home to buy soap or toilet paper. Register for things like garbage bags, soap, and paper towels – your future self will thank you!


4.) Patio Furniture and Items  


It’s easy to get lost in all the items you need for the house…but don’t forget about your outdoor space! One of the reasons we spent $500 at Target right after our honeymoon was that we didn’t have any outdoor items. And it was June at 80 degrees outside! Think about registering for some chairs, a table, and maybe some pots and outdoor decor.

 5.) Phone Chargers 

Between moving into a new house,  the wedding day (when 10 girls are sharing everything), and the honeymoon, I lost like 2 phone chargers. That meant when Greg and I got home from our honeymoon, I had to share the chargers he had left. Both of us like to have chargers in the car, and we needed chargers for our iPads as well. Registering for a couple of phone chargers will ensure no fights will ensue about who gets to use it first 😉


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