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Should I Plan my Wedding for 2021 or 2022?

We all know it: wedding couples went through the ringer in 2020. From two month postponements, to postponing indefintely because everything was up in the air…

But if you are walking into wedding planning with Covid already being what it is…

How do you know if you should plan your wedding for 2021 or 2022?

Here are three questions to ask as you make this decision:

1.) Is it more important to get married soon, or be able to celebrate with everyone we love?

If you’re priority is getting married sooner, plan that baby for 2021! If you’d rather have everyone you love without dealing with a possible postponement (or moving things virtual or staggered), 2022 will be your safest bet.

2.) Are your dream vendors available in 2021?

A lot of venues and other wedding vendors have a booked out 2021 schedule because 2020 got postponed to 2021. If you can’t get married without a certain vendor, make sure to reach out about their availability before you decide on a date!

3.) Is there another time table that is important?

Do you have a loved one leaving the country next year? Or a grandparent with declining health? Although the wedding is about you, sometimes those important to you have schedules you want to adhere by. (For instance, my sister moved her wedding date forward because her future brother-in-law was leaving the state for several months!)

If you know you need someone at your wedding – and doing it sooner or later would mean they could attend, that may be worth it to you.

Weddings have many moving factors, so consider all these things and more!

If you haven’t booked a wedding photographer and want to check my availability, you can inquire here!

If you are looking for potential intimate wedding venues, you can check out this blog post here!

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